
Saturday, October 31, 2020

All Saints Day Devotional '20 -"What they believed, I believe also; what they hoped for, I hope for..."


  Those who have insight will shine brightly like the brightness of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.

Daniel 12:3


Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.”

—Jesus in Matt.13:43


When I take my last breath on earth and breathe in my first,

It’ll be taken away with the sight of Your face.

God of pure, uncreated light, my heart shall burst,

Seeing such radiant beauty, I’ll ever behold and praise.



O, let me be like the angels in Heaven,

Who endlessly behold the face of our Father;

Shining clear and bright, pure as the sun,

Singing in concert, like morning stars forever.



I have sowed many tears, but will reap an ardent gleam,

These mists have hung heavy, deepening shadows grown;

When first morning light dawns, then begins the dream—

Seeing my King adored by angels on the Great White Throne.



Let the healing streams of tender mercies rise,

The Sunrise that will break upon us from on High. 



I long to be set free, laying aside all weakness,

Putting on immortality for all eternity.

I want to dwell in the Kingdom enthroned by Jesus

Yearning for that moment, You unveil the mystery.


Seeing My King




       In the glorious company of the apostles, the goodly fellowship of the prophets, the noble army of martyrs, the holy Church throughout all the world is one.  Therefore, year by year let us reverently commemorate their names, remembering what they were, but steadfastly gazing at what they are.  Their very words are still ringing in our ears:  of some the beloved image too is full before us.  Let us live as they would bid us, could they still speak:  let us fulfil their known behests, following in their steps, filling up the works that they began, carrying on their hallowed offices, now bequeathed to our care; let us be like them in deadness to sin, and unceasing homage to our unseen Lord.  As we grow holier, we grow nearer to them; to be like them is to be with them; even now they are not far from us, we know not how nigh.






For even Thy Saints, O Lord, who now rejoice with Thee in the kingdom of heaven, whilst they lived, waited in faith and in great patience for the coming of Thy glory.  What they believed, I believe also; what they hoped for, I hope for; whither they are arrived, I trust I shall come by Thy grace.




 Yet not as in the days

Of earthly ties we love them;

For they are touched with rays

From light that is above them:

Another sweetness shines

Around their well-known features;

God with His glory signs

His dearly ransomed creatures.

