I will give you the treasures of darkness
And hidden riches of secret places,
That you may know that I, the LORD,
Who call you by your name,
Am the God of Israel.
Isaiah 45:3
“His right hand presseth me to His heart.”
Isaiah 41:10—German Translation
Awake, my heart and sing! For
Your Maker chose you to be His bride—
He set His heart on you from ages past,
To draw you close to His wounded side.
Awake, my soul and sing! For
Your destiny shines brighter than the stars—
He will bring you into His Kingdom of light,
Where you may rest safely in His arms.
chorus: “I have created you for My glory,
Be not dismayed for I am with you—”
I will be your God, unto eternity.”
Awake, my spirit and soar! For
Life immortal very soon will be yours—
Jesus makes ready for you an eternal dwelling,
Where boundless joy and love outpours.
Awake, my love and hear! For
The Lord God who created you has declared,
“Have no fear, for I call you by name —you are Mine,
Come, enter My kingdom which I have prepared.”
You Are Mine
Our Lord is constantly taking us into the dark, that He may tell us things,—into the dark of the shadowed home, where bereavement has drawn the blinds; into the dark of the lonely, desolate life, where some infirmity closes us in from the light and stir of life; into the dark of some crushing sorrow and disappointment.
Then He tells us His secrets, great and wonderful, eternal and infinite; He causes the eye which has become dazzled by the glare of earth to behold the heavenly constellations; and the ear to detect the undertones of His voice, which are often drowned amid the tumult of earth’s strident cries.
Every great sorrow is in a certain sense a lonely sorrow. It drives a man into the fastnesses of himself…. Christ is the one Guest who can enter the sacred chamber of a great sorrow. The soul’s sense of loneliness yields to Him. The heart’s sensitive reserve gives way. Christ enters, and thenceforth sorrow takes on a new meaning and aspect. The blinding bereavement, and crushing loss of disappointment, the trial that has wrenched the very heart strings asunder, the awful temptation that has swept the soul at last from its moorings—all these crises of life fall into harmony with the divine love and divine purpose when the Saviour enters the hidden chamber of our griefs. We never know what sorrow means, or what it can do for the soul till then. “Lo!” says Christ to the spirit brooding in lonely grief, “lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” Blessed promise! Lord Jesus, come Thou into all our sorrow-burdened hearts; fill them with Thy divine sympathy, and help us to learn through Thy love the sacred meaning and uses of all life’s dark and painful experiences!
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